
Kunaku is a webside for people who wants to sell/ buy things, offer or take advantage of services. Compare prices, find good food, experience new places and recomment them to the world.

With kunaku people have an online plattform, where they can present there products and services. At the same time it´s easy to find, interact and support each other. Kunaku is a new way to communicate through the african continent and make money.

You are a local person and want to make your shop/ food / products visible for tourists and others?

You are a tourist who wants to eat local food, experience new activities or just need to have your textiles washed?

You are a teacher for kitesurfing, a tourguide or you just need to rent a car/scooter for a couple of days?

Find goods and services in your area

Present your own goods and services

Compare prices

Came and register

Be visible.

Make money

Interact with the world!